About hivewise

Who we are and what we are focused on accomplishing for our clients.

HiveWise is dedicated to enabling research-driven best practices from the worlds of 

Collective Intelligence, Decision Science, and Behavioral Science. Launched from MIT in 2020, HiveWise provides key solutions in the areas of alignment, employee engagement, delegation, cross-cutting decision-making and complex problem-solving. 

Key Leaders Behind HiveWise:

Mark Klein, PhD. - one of the leading researchers in the field of Collective Intelligence, Dr Klein runs HiveWise R&D. 

Mark Curtis - with a background in innovation and SaaS software leadership, Mark guides the overall HiveWise business. 

Prithvi Nobuth - his experience in corporate consulting enable Prithvi to be a trusted voice in guiding client engagements. 

Liz Sweigart, PhD. - as a strategic advisor, Liz challenges the team to continually push boundaries in unlocking new sources of client value.